人をつの候補に一斉に当てはめるアルゴリズムなので、例えば、日本の就活のような「内定○つの企業からもらった!!どこにしよう(グヘヘ」や、「無い内定…欝だタヒろう三┏( ^o^)┛|樹海→」という事態によって、欠員や過剰供給を避けたい分野で行われるらしい。計算時間としてはのオーダーで増える。だからといって2週間も計算に時間はかからないと思うが…
daa <- function(nMen, nWomen, m.prefs=NULL, w.prefs=NULL){ if (is.null(m.prefs)){ # if no prefs given, make them randomly m.prefs <- replicate(n=nMen,sample(seq(from=1,to=nWomen,by=1))) w.prefs <- replicate(n=nWomen,sample(seq(from=1,to=nMen,by=1))) } mw <- ifelse(nMen >= nWomen, 1, 2) m.hist <- rep(0, length=nMen) # number of proposals made w.hist <- rep(0, length=nWomen) # current mate m.singles <- 1:nMen w.singles <- 1:nWomen m.mat <- matrix(data=1:nMen, nrow=nMen, ncol=nWomen, byrow=FALSE) for (iter in 1:nWomen){ # there are as many rounds as maximal preference orders # look at market: all single men # if history not full (been rejected by all women in his prefs) # look at single male's history # propose to next woman on list offers <- NULL for (i in 1:length(m.singles)){ m.hist[m.singles[i]] <- m.hist[m.singles[i]]+1 # make next proposal according to single i's count offers[i] <- m.prefs[m.hist[m.singles[i]], m.singles[i]] # offer if single i is the index of the woman corresponding to current round } approached <- unique(offers) # index of women who received offers temp.singles <- m.singles m.singles <- NULL # reset singles for (j in approached){ proposers <- temp.singles[offers==j] stay.single <- temp.singles[offers==0] # guys who prefer staying single at current history for (k in 1:length(proposers)){ if (w.hist[j]==0 & any(w.prefs[, j]==proposers[k])){ # if no history and proposer w.hist[j] <- proposers[k] # is somewhere on preference list, accept } else if (match(w.prefs[w.prefs[, j]==proposers[k], j],w.prefs[, j])<match(w.prefs[w.prefs[, j]==w.hist[j], j],w.prefs[, j])){ m.singles <- c(m.singles,w.hist[j]) # if proposer better, fire current guy w.hist[j] <- proposers[k] # and take proposer on } else { m.singles <- c(m.singles, proposers[k]) # otherwise k stays single } } } m.singles <- sort(c(m.singles,stay.single)) current.match <- (matrix(rep(w.hist,each=nMen), nrow=nMen, ncol=nWomen)==m.mat) current.singles <- matrix(m.mat %in% m.singles, nrow=nMen)*2 current.singles[, which(colSums(current.match) == 0)] <- 2 No.singles <- c(sum(rowSums(current.match) == 0), sum(colSums(current.match) == 0))[mw] label0 <- paste("Iterations to go: ",nWomen-iter,". currently ", No.singles, " left to be single", sep="") image(y=1:nWomen, x=1:nMen, z=current.match+current.singles, ylab="", xlab=label0, col=c("white","black","red"[nMen!=nWomen])) title("Current matches (black) and male singles (red)", line=3) title(paste(nMen," rows and ",nWomen," cols",sep=""), line=2) grid(nx=nMen, ny=nWomen, col="black", lty=1) if (No.singles == abs(nMen - nWomen)) break } return(list(m.prefs=m.prefs, w.prefs=w.prefs, iterations=iter, matches=w.hist, match.mat=current.match, singles=m.singles)) } nMen <- 100 nWomen <- 80 m.prefs <- replicate(nMen, sample(seq(nWomen))) w.prefs <- replicate(nWomen, sample(seq(nMen))) daa0 <- daa(nMen, nWomen, m.prefs, w.prefs)
a <- matrix(c(1,3,1,3,2,2,2,1,3,1,4,4,4,4,3,2), 4, byrow=TRUE) b <- matrix(c(1,2,2,1,2,1,3,4,3,4,1,3,4,3,4,2), 4, byrow=TRUE) daa(4, 4, a, b)