kernel methodというなんとも中二病的ネーミングの手法を用いて、レアバリアントがどうたらこうたら言っていたがちょっと追いつけなかった。
library(SKAT) data(SKAT.example) attach(SKAT.example) g0 <- glm(y.b ~ y.c, data=SKAT.example, family="binomial") p <- function(x){ 1/(1+exp(-sum(g0$coefficients * c(1, x)))) } s0 <- seq(-4, 4, length=1000) plot(SKAT.example$y.c, SKAT.example$y.b, xlim=range(s0)) points(s0, mapply(p, s0), type="l", col=2, lwd=3)
# Compute the P-value of SKAT with default Beta(1,25) Weights # - without covariates # continuous trait obj <- SKAT_Null_Model(y.c ~ 1, out_type="C") SKATc0 <- SKAT(Z, obj) # dichotomous trait obj <- SKAT_Null_Model(y.b ~ 1, out_type="D") SKATd1 <- SKAT(Z, obj) # Compute the P-value of SKAT with default Beta(1,25) Weights # - with covariates # continuous trait obj <- SKAT_Null_Model(y.c ~ X, out_type="C") SKATc1 <- SKAT(Z, obj) obj.b <- SKAT_Null_Model(y.b ~ X, out_type="D") SKATd1 <- SKAT(Z, obj.b) # Compute the P-value of SKAT with default Beta(1,25) Weights # - Optimal Test SKAT2 <- SKAT(Z, obj, method="optimal.adj") SKAT3 <- SKAT(Z, obj.b, method="optimal.adj") # Compute the P-value of SKAT with Beta(1,30) Weights SKAT3 <- SKAT(Z, obj, weights.beta=c(1,30))