


# データの読み込み
dat <- read.delim("clipboard")
# y軸について変換する。
# 0 &#12316; 10%のところ
Y <- rep(0, length(dat$case.fatality.rate))
idx <- dat$case.fatality.rate <= 10 & dat$case.fatality.rate > 0
y <- log(dat$case.fatality.rate[idx], 10)
y1 <- (y+2)
Y <- replace(Y, idx, y1)
# 10 &#12316; 100%のところ
idx <- dat$case.fatality.rate > 10
y <- dat$case.fatality.rate[idx]
y2 <- (y-10)/(100-10)*(12-3) + 3
Y <- replace(Y, idx, y2)

# 感染経路
tr <- dat$primary.mode.of.transmission
# 感染経路の色付け
led.col <- c("darkslategray4", "tan", "violet", "black", "skyblue", "orange", grey(0.7))

# 0 - 10% の対数軸が 0 - 3, 10 - 100% の実数軸が 3 - 12 に対応する。
xl <- 0:12
yl <- c(0, 0.1, 1, 10*(1:10))
xmax <- 19 # x軸の最大値
poly.x <- rep(c(0, xmax), each=2) # 灰色に塗りつぶす用
poly.y <- rep(c(-1, 100), each=2) # 灰色に塗りつぶす用
ab.v <- c(1, 5, 7, 12, xmax)      # 縦軸の実線
ab.h <- c(2, 4, 7, 12)            # 横軸の実線
cex <- 1.5                        # 文字サイズ

# ここからプロット
par(mar=c(3, 3, 3, 6))
plot(yl, xl, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", type="n", xlim=c(0, xmax), axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
mtext("The Microbe-scope", 3, line=1.5, cex=cex)
poly.x <- rep(c(par()$usr[1], par()$usr[2]), each=2)
polygon(poly.x, c(0, 2, 2, 0), col=grey(0.9), border=NA)
polygon(poly.x, c(4, 7, 7, 4), col=grey(0.9), border=NA)
abline(h=xl, v=0:xmax, lty=3, col=grey(0.7))
polygon(poly.x, c(12, 13, 13, 12), col="white", border=NA)
polygon(c(xmax, 20, 20, xmax), poly.y, col="white", border=NA)
abline(h=c(0, ab.h), lty=3, col=grey(0.7))
abline(h=2, v=1, col="black")
abline(v=tail(ab.v, -1), col=gray(0.7))
polygon(c(-xmax, 0, 0, -xmax), poly.y, col="white", border=NA)
polygon(poly.x, c(-12, 0, 0, -12)-10e-3, col="white", border=NA)
axis(1, at=0:xmax, labels=0:xmax, lwd=0, padj=-2.5)
#axis(2, at=xl, labels=paste(yl, "%", sep=""), lwd=0, las=1)
text(par()$usr[1]+0.7, xl, paste(yl, "%", sep=""), xpd=TRUE, pos=2)
tx <- c("not very", "quite contagious", "very", "highly", "vaccinate now!")
text((c(0, head(ab.v, -1)) + ab.v)/2, par()$usr[4], tx, xpd=TRUE)
tx <- c("not too deadly\nhigh-risk group\n(infants, the aged)", "quite deadly\nunlucky/unhealthy", "deadly\nhigh chance", "extremely dead\ndeath likely")
text(xmax, (c(0, head(ab.h, -1)) + ab.h)/2, tx, xpd=TRUE, pos=4)
legend(14.5, 12, legend=levels(tr), text.col=led.col, bg="white", title="PRIMARY TRANSMISSION METHOD", cex=0.7, pch=16, col=led.col)
text(1-0.4, 0-1.2, "R0 = 1\ndesease not\nlikely to spread", xpd=TRUE, pos=4, cex=0.6, col=grey(0.3))
mtext("CONTAGIOUSNESS average basic reproduction number", 1, line=1.2, cex=cex)
mtext("DEADLINESS case fatality rate", 2, line=1.2, cex=cex)
points(dat$average.basic.reproductive.rate, Y, col=led.col[c(tr)], pch=16)
text(dat$average.basic.reproductive.rate, Y, dat$microbe, col=led.col[c(tr)], pos=4, cex=0.7, xpd=TRUE)
microbe	case fatality rate 	average basic reproductive rate 	primary mode of transmission 
Bird Flu (H5N1)	60	1	airborne
Bubonic Plague (untreated)	60	1	bites
C.Difficile	24	1.25	fecal-oral
Campylobacter	1.2	0.19	food
Chicken Pox	0	8.5	airborne
Cholera	1.63	2.13	airborne
Dengue Fever	5	3	bites
Diphtheria	7.5	6.5	body fluids
E.coli	4	1.15	fecal-oral
Ebola	50	2.5	body fluids
Hepatitis B	0.75	4.04	body fluids
HIV (treated)	2.1	3.5	sexual contact
HIV (untreated)	80	3.5	sexual contact
Influenza Pandemic 1918	2.5	3	airborne
Lyme Disease	0.2	4.4	bites
Malaria (P. falciparum)	0.5	80	bites
Malaria (P. malariae)	0.5	16	bites
Measles	0.3	15	airborne
MERS	45	0.5	airborne
MRSA	20	1.625	surfaces
Mumps	1	12.5	airborne
Norovirus	0.01	2	surfaces
Pertussis (Whooping Cough)	4	14.5	airborne
Polio	22	6	fecal-oral
Rabies (treated)	1	1.6	bites
Rabies (untreated)	100	1.6	bites
Rhinovirus	0	6	airborne
Rotavirus	0	17.6	fecal-oral
Rubella	0	6	airborne
Salmonella	1	0.8	food
SARS	9.6	2.4	airborne
Scarlet Fever	0.5	2.8	body fluids
Seasonal Flu	0.1	2.5	airborne
Smallpox	15	6	airborne
Swine Flu (H1N1)	0.2	1.5	airborne
Syphilis (untreated)	33	0.9	sexual contact
Tuberculosis (untreated)	60	5.7	airborne
Typhoid	20	2.8	fecal-oral
Pneumonic Plague (untreated)	100	3.2	airborne