Projecting the transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 through the postpandemic period. - PubMed - NCBI
GitHub - c2-d2/CoV-seasonality: Code for regression model from Kissler, Tedijanto et al. 2020.
NREVSS | Coronavirus National Trends | CDC
Human coronavirus circulation in the United States 2014-2017. - PubMed - NCBI
:時刻 のgeneration interval。論文では平均8.4日、標準偏差3.8日のweibull 分布を使っているが、githubでは他の報告の対数正規分布やガンマ分布も使っている。
:generation interval が累積確率分布で99%になる日。論文では19日としている。
github ではfunc.WT
func.SI_pull <- function(value, serial_int){ if(serial_int == "SARS"){ return(dweibull(value, shape=SARS_shape, scale=SARS_scale)) } else if(serial_int == "nCoV_Li"){ return(dgamma(value, shape=nCoV_Li_shape, scale=nCoV_Li_scale)) } else if(serial_int == "nCoV_Nishiura"){ return(dweibull(value, shape=nCoV_Nishiura_shape, scale=nCoV_Nishiura_scale)) } } func.WT <- function(week_list, daily_inc, proxy_name, org_list, serial_int){ df.Reff_results <- data.frame(Week_start=week_list) # Initialize dataframe to hold results stop <- get(paste0(serial_int, "_stop")) # Estimate daily R effective for(v in org_list){ #For each strain RDaily <- numeric() for(u in 1:(length(week_list)*7)){ #Estimate for each day sumt <- 0 for(t in u:(u+stop)){ #Look ahead starting at day u through (u+max SI) suma <- 0 for(a in 0:(stop)){ #Calc denominator, from day t back through (t-max SI) suma = daily_inc[t-a,v]*func.SI_pull(a, serial_int) + suma } sumt = (daily_inc[t,v]*func.SI_pull(t-u, serial_int))/suma + sumt } RDaily[u] = sumt } # Take geometric mean over daily values for current week, and one week before + after (for smoothing), to get weekly estimates RWeekly <- numeric() for(i in 1:length(week_list)) RWeekly[i] <- geoMean(as.numeric(RDaily[max(1,7*(i-2)+1):min(length(RDaily),7*(i+1))]), na.rm=TRUE) RWeekly[1:3] <- NA #Set results for first 3 weeks to NA (unreliable using WT) RWeekly[(length(RWeekly)-2):length(RWeekly)] <- NA #Set results for last 3 weeks to NA (unreliable using WT) df.Reff_results[,paste0(v,"_R_",proxy_name)] <- RWeekly } return(df.Reff_results) }
Ru <- function(vec, pdf="weibull", pars=c(2.35, 9.48), alpha=0.99){ Imax <- eval(parse(text=sprintf("ceiling(q%s(%f, %f, %f))", pdf, alpha, pars[1], pars[2]))) g <- function(x) eval(parse(text=sprintf("d%s(%f, %f, %f)", pdf, x, pars[1], pars[2]))) res <- mapply(function(u) sum( mapply(function(t) (vec[t]*g(t-u))/sum(mapply(function(a) vec[t-a]*g(a), 0:Imax)), u:(u+Imax)) ), (Imax+1):(length(RDaily)-Imax)) NAs <- rep(NA, Imax) RDaily <- c(NAs, res, NAs) RWeekly <- mapply(function(i) geoMean(RDaily[max(1,7*(i-2)+1):min(length(RDaily),7*(i+1))], na.rm=TRUE), 1:(ceiling(length(RDaily)/7)) RWeekly[1:3] <- RWeekly[(length(RWeekly)-2):length(RWeekly)] <- NA retuen(list(RDaily, RWeekly)) }
感染の流行はtwo-strain SEIRS モデルというものを使っている。要は図のSEIRS x two strain の16コンポーネントの微分方程式になるのだが、解けるわけがないので前にやったとおりrstanで推定してみる。
さて、このSEIRSモデルに, , , , , , , の8つのパラメータが設定してある。ここで、 だけが時間依存のパラメータで、再生産係数 に対して
これをrstanで頑張ってみようと思ったが、rstanで微分方程式を作ったときに、パラメータは各時刻ですべて一定でしか(自分の力量では)出来ないので、今回の再現ではは一様分布からサンプリングされる決め打ちのシミュレーションになってしまった。誰か時間依存 のままやれる方法を教えてほしい。
# SEIRS two-strain 16 compornents lab <- c("S", "E", "I", "R") labs <- c(outer(paste0(lab, 1), paste0(lab, 2), paste0)) library(igraph) mat <- as.matrix(read.table(text=" 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ", header=FALSE)) rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- labs g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(mat) rot <- -pi/4 lay <- cbind(rep(c(-3,-1,1,3), each=4), rep(c(3,1,-1,-3), 4)) lay <- t(matrix(c(cos(rot), sin(rot), -sin(rot), cos(rot)), 2) %*% t(lay)) par(mar=rep(0.5, 4)) V(g)$label.cex <- 1.5 V(g)$label.font <- 2 V(g)$size <- 25 E(g)$curved <- 0 #0.05 E(g)$curved[c(7, 25, 31:32)] <- c(1, -1) #0.05 E(g)$curved[c(15, 27, 23, 29)] <- c(1, -1)*0.7 #0.05 plot(g, layout=lay) # SEIRS two strain library(rstan) rstan_options(auto_write=TRUE) options(mc.cores=parallel::detectCores()) code <- " functions { real[] sir( real t, real[] y, real[] p, // mu beta nu x12 x21 gamma delta1 delta2 real[] x_r, int[] x_i ) { // S1S2 E1S2 I1S2 R1S2 1-4 // S1E2 E1E2 I1E2 R1E2 5-8 // S1I2 E1I2 I1I2 R1I2 9-12 // S1R2 E1R2 I1R2 R1R2 13-16 real dydt[16]; dydt[1] = -p[1]*y[1]*y[3]-p[2]*y[1]*(y[3]+y[7]+y[11]+y[15])-p[2]*y[1]*(y[9]+y[10]+y[11]+y[12])+p[7]*y[4]+p[8]*y[13]; dydt[2] = p[1]*y[1]*y[3]-p[1]*y[2]-p[3]*y[2]-(1-p[4])*p[2]*y[2]*(y[9]+y[10]+y[11]+y[12])+p[8]*y[14]; dydt[3] = p[3]*y[2]-p[6]*y[3]-p[1]*y[3]-(1-p[4])*y[3]*(y[9]+y[10]+y[11]+y[12])+p[8]*y[15]; dydt[4] = -(p[1]+p[7]+(1-p[4])*(y[9]+y[10]+y[11]+y[12]))*y[4]+p[6]*y[3]+p[8]*y[16]; dydt[5] = -(p[1]+p[3]+(1-p[5])*p[2]*(y[3]+y[7]+y[11]+y[15]))*y[5]+p[2]*(y[9]+y[10]+y[11]+y[12])*y[1]+p[7]*y[8]; dydt[6] = -(p[1]+2*p[3])*y[6]+p[2]*((1-p[4])*(y[9]+y[10]+y[11]+y[12])*y[2]+(1-p[5])*(y[3]+y[7]+y[11]+y[15])*y[5]); dydt[7] = -(p[1]+p[3]+p[6])*y[7]+p[3]*y[6]+(1-p[4])*p[2]*(y[9]+y[10]+y[11]+y[12])*y[3]; dydt[8] = -(p[1]+p[3]+p[7])*y[8]+p[6]*y[7]+(1-p[5])*p[2]*(y[9]+y[10]+y[11]+y[12])*y[4]; dydt[9] = -(p[1]+p[6]+(1-p[6])*p[2]*(y[3]+y[7]+y[11]+y[15]))*y[9]+p[7]*y[12]+p[3]*y[5]; dydt[10]= -(p[1]+p[3]+p[6])*y[7]+p[3]*y[6]+(1-p[5])*p[2]*(y[3]+y[7]+y[11]+y[15])*y[9]; dydt[11]= -(p[1]+2*p[6])*y[11]+p[3]*(y[7]+y[10]); dydt[12]= -(p[1]+p[6]+p[7])*y[12]+p[3]*y[8]+p[6]*y[11]; dydt[13]= -(p[1]+p[8]+(1-p[6])*p[2]*(y[3]+y[7]+y[11]+y[15]))*y[13]+p[6]*y[9]+p[7]*y[16]; dydt[14]= -(p[1]+p[3]+p[8])*y[14]+p[6]*y[10]+(1-p[6])*p[2]*(y[3]+y[7]+y[11]+y[15])*y[13]; dydt[15]= -(p[1]+p[6]+p[8])*y[15]+p[3]*y[14]+p[6]*y[11]; dydt[16]= -(p[1]+p[7]+p[8])*y[16]+p[6]*(y[12]+y[15]); return dydt; } } data { int<lower=1> T; // 時間の数 real T0; // time 0 real TS[T]; // 各時刻 real Y0[16]; // Y の初期値 SEIR real m01[2]; // mu の範囲 real b01[2]; // beta の範囲 real n01[2]; // nu の範囲 real x12[2]; // x12 の範囲 real x21[2]; // x21 の範囲 real g01[2]; // gamma の範囲 real d1[2]; // delta1 の範囲 real d2[2]; // delta2 の範囲 } transformed data { real x_r[0]; int x_i[0]; } parameters { real<lower=m01[1], upper=m01[2]> mu; real<lower=b01[1], upper=b01[2]> beta; real<lower=n01[1], upper=n01[2]> nu; real<lower=x12[1], upper=x12[2]> X12; real<lower=x21[1], upper=x21[2]> X21; real<lower=g01[1], upper=g01[2]> gamma; real<lower=d1[1], upper=d1[2]> delta1; real<lower=d2[1], upper=d2[2]> delta2; } transformed parameters { real y_hat[T,16]; real theta[8]; theta[1] = mu; theta[2] = beta; theta[3] = nu; theta[4] = X12; theta[5] = X21; theta[6] = gamma; theta[7] = delta1; theta[8] = delta2; y_hat = integrate_ode(sir, Y0, T0, TS, theta, x_r, x_i); } model { // 何もしない } " m0 <- stan_model(model_code=code) y0 <- replace(rep(0, 16), 1, 0) # 初期値 y0[c(3, 7, 11, 15, 9, 10, 12)] <- 0.0005 y0 <- replace(y0, 1, 1-sum(y0)) times <- seq(0, 100, by=1)[-1] # 時刻 0.2 刻みはどういうこと? # 各パラメータを振る範囲 lim <- list(m01=1/c(81, 79), b01=1/c(14, 1), n01=1/c(14, 3), x12=c(0, 1), x21=c(0, 1), g01=1/c(14, 3), d1=1/c(100, 25), d2=1/c(100, 25)) standata <- c(list(T=length(times), T0=0, TS=times, Y0=y0), lim) fit <- sampling(m0, standata, iter=200, warmup=100, chain=2) ex <- extract(fit, pars=head(fit@model_pars, -1)) cols <- matlab::jet.colors(length(labs)) i <- 23 # たまたまこのシミュレーションが見栄えがよかったので matplot(ex$y_hat[i,,], type="l", lty=1, col=cols, lwd=2, xlab="time", ylab="proportion") legend("topright", legend=labs, ncol=4, col=cols, pch=15, bg="white") # googlevis で可視化 library(googleVis) library(stringr) gmat <- cbind.data.frame(Time=times, ex$y_hat[i,,]) colnames(gmat) <- c("Times", labs) url <- "https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2020/04/14/science.abb5793" webpage <- "Science. 2020 Apr 14. pii: eabb5793. doi: 10.1126/science.abb5793." headertxt <- sprintf("<span><a href='%s' target='_blank'>%s</a></span> on %s", url, webpage, Sys.Date()) # googlevis 用のプロットオプション ops <- list( fontSize=12, height=600, width=600, lineWidth=1, vAxis="{title:'Proportion', fontSize: 20, titleTextStyle: {fontSize: 20, bold: 'true', italic: 'false'}, viewWindow: {min: 0, max: 1}, gridlines: {color: '#00F', minSpacing: 100}, logScale: 'false'}", sizeAxis="{minValue: -80, maxValue: 75, maxSize: 15}", hAxis="{title:'Time', fontSize: 20, titleTextStyle: {fontSize: 20, bold: 'true', italic: 'false'}, viewWindow: {min: 0, max: 105}}", explorer="{actions: ['dragToZoom', 'rightClickToReset']}", focusTarget="category", selectionMode="multiple", legend="{position: 'right', textStyle: {color: 'black', fontSize: 10}, pageIndex: 1}" ) gvis <- gvisLineChart(gmat, options=ops) gvis$html$caption <- NULL gvis$html$footer <- str_replace(gvis$html$footer, "<span> \n .+\n .+\n</span>", headertxt) plot(gvis)