BeyondER (2巻1号) | 医書.jpヘリには乗らないのでドクターヘリやドクターカーの運用やエビデンスを勉強した。
Time to Epinephrine Administration and Survival From Nonshockable Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Among Children and Adults
Circulation. 2018 May 8;137(19):2032-2040. のFigure 2 を使う。
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29511001/ library(tiff) library(drc) a <- readTIFF("2032fig02.tif", as.is=TRUE) image(seq(nrow(a)), seq(ncol(a)), a) lab <- c(mapply(function(z) c(paste(head(z, -1), tail(z, -1), sep="-"), paste0("<", tail(z, 1))), list(c(1, seq(2, 30, by=2))))) xy$x <- rep(312, 16) points(xy) y_0 <- 312 # y=0 のピクセル x_0 <- 88 # x=0 の軸の値があるピクセル xy <- list(x=rep(312, 16), y=c(107, 145, 187, 222, 263, 302, 338, 379, 417, 457, 493, 536, 570, 614, 650, 688) ) Y <- y_0-mapply(function(i) tail(which(a[1:y_0, i] == 255), 1), xy$y) P <- mapply(function(i) range(which(10 < a[1:y_0, i] & a[1:y_0 ,i] < 51)), xy$y) v <- which(100 < a[1:y_0, x_0] & a[1:y_0, x_0] < 230) r <- rle(diff(v)) r0 <- r$lengths[r$values < 2] + 1 r1 <- tapply(head(v, -1), unlist(mapply(rep, seq(r0), r0)), c) p_unit <- 5/(y_0 - mean(r1[[1]]))/100 n_unit <- 6000/(y_0 - mean(r1[[1]])) p <- (y_0 - colMeans(P))*p_unit N <- floor(Y*n_unit) pN <- ceiling(Y*n_unit*p) library(rstan) library(vioplot) rstan_options(auto_write=TRUE) options(mc.cores=parallel::detectCores()) code <- " data { int N; int Y[N]; int D[N]; } parameters{ ordered[N] theta; real<lower=0> s; } model{ for(i in 3:N){ theta[i] ~ normal(2*theta[i-1] - theta[i-2], s); } for(i in 1:N){ D[i] ~ binomial(Y[i], inv_logit(theta[i])); } } " m0 <- stan_model(model_code=code) standata <- list(N=length(N), Y=N, D=pN) standata <- lapply(standata, rev) fit <- sampling(m0, standata, iter=10000, warmup=5000, chain=40) ex <- extract(fit, pars=head(fit@model_pars, -1)) esp <- 1/(1+exp(-ex$theta[, fit@par_dims$theta:1])) vioplot(esp) code0 <- " data { int N; int Y[N]; int D[N]; } parameters{ ordered[N] theta; } model{ //for(i in 1:N){ // D[i] ~ binomial(Y[i], theta[i]); //} D ~ binomial(Y, inv_logit(theta)); } " code1 <- " data { int N; int Y[N]; int D[N]; } parameters{ real<lower=0, upper=1> d; real<lower=0> e; } model{ for(i in 1:N){ D[i] ~ binomial(Y[i], d*exp(-i/(1/e))); } } " ms <- mapply(stan_model, model_code=list(code0, code1)) standata <- list(N=length(N), Y=N, D=pN) fit <- mapply(sampling, ms, list(lapply(standata, rev), standata), iter=1500, warmup=1000, chain=16) ex <- mapply(extract, fit) esp <- list( 1/(1+exp(-ex[[1]]$theta[, fit[[1]]@par_dims$theta:1]))*100, c(ex[[2]]$d)*exp(outer(ex[[2]]$e, -seq(standata$N), "*"))*100 ) xl <- range(seq(lab)) yl <- c(0, max(mapply(max, esp))) cols <- c("Monotonic decrease"="skyblue", "Exponential decrease"="green2", "EXD.2 model"="yellow3", "Raw data"="black") par(mar=c(5, 5, 1, 1), las=1, cex.lab=2) plot(0, type="n", xlim=xl, ylim=yl, xlab="Minutes to Epinephrine Administration", ylab="Percent Survival", xaxt="n") abline(v=1:length(lab), lty=3) legend("topright", legend=names(cols), col="black", pt.bg=cols, pch=22, cex=1.5) axis(1, at=1:length(lab), labels=NA) for(i in seq(esp)){ vioplot(esp[[i]], add=TRUE, frame.plot=FALSE, side=c("left", "right")[i], col=cols[i]) } # exponential decrease の推定線 xd <- seq(0, length(lab)+2, length=3000) yd <- mean(ex[[2]]$d) * exp(-xd*mean(ex[[2]]$e))*100 lines(xd, yd, col=cols[2], lwd=3) lines(xd, yd, lwd=1, lty=3) # Monotonic decrease の推定線 xd <- seq(lab) yd <- colMeans(esp[[1]]) lines(xd, yd, col=cols[1], lwd=3) lines(xd, yd, lwd=1, lty=3) # drc を使ったEXD モデル drc_model <- drm(p ~ xd, fct=EXD.2(c(NA, NA))) xd <- seq(0, length(lab)+2, length=3000) yd <- predict(drc_model, as.data.frame(xd))*100 lines(xd, yd, col=cols[3], lwd=3) lines(xd, yd, lwd=1, lty=3) # 実のデータ mapply(text, 1:length(lab), par()$usr[3]-0.6, lab, srt=30, xpd=TRUE) lines(p*100, lwd=3, col=cols[4])